How to enlarge the penis at home?

man measuring penis before enlargement

Currently, there are more and more techniques that focus on penis enlargement.

This trend is explained by the desires of men who want to be the owners of an impressive penis. However, nature does not give such dignity to everyone. Do not despair, because there are several options that can help with a similar problem.

The guaranteed method, of course, is an operation, but this is quite an expensive and complicated procedure, which not every person will decide on. Therefore, we will not consider surgery. There are many other ways that you can apply at home.

Penis enlargement methods

Medicines. At this point, it is particularly important to examine the composition of the drugs, although even this is not always enough to prevent counterfeiting. The cost of a good product will not be cheap, so no one wants to just waste their money. Medicines include not only tablets, but also various creams, gels and supplements. We can talk about effectiveness only if we cite a specific drug as an example, because they all differ in composition and action. There are good tools, but not that many.

Means of traditional medicine. Such a category may seem almost like shamanism to some, but there are still health benefits, although no herbal tincture will give the desired inches.

Exercise and massage. A fairly broad category that includes a variety of techniques. The most famous is jelqing, but for real results you need consistent training and a lot of time.

Pumps, which are divided into two types:

  • vacuum;
  • water pumps.

The last type is quite expensive, but more convenient to use. Vacuum pumps are more popular because of their price. Also, a similar device can be prescribed for sexual dysfunction.

These were the most common methods used by many men. However, progress does not stand still, so in the near future there will be even more ways.